Table 3

Different completed features of medication orders using the Imperial Drug Chart Evaluation and Adoption Study (IDEAS) chart and the existing Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHNT) charts

 IDEAS Chart (% of 164 medication orders)ICHNT Chart (% of 174 medication orders)Significant difference at 5% level after Holm-Bonferroni (p value)IDEAS chart shows significant improvement at 5% level (p value)
Was the prescription legible?Yes164 (100%)169 (97%)No (0.061)No difference
Was the dose correctly entered?Yes164 (100%)166 (95%)Yes (0.007)Yes (0.0046)
Was the prescriber's signature entered?Yes163 (99%)171 (98%)No (0.623)No difference
Was prescriber's bleep number entered?Yes137 (84%)55 (32%)Yes (<0.0001)Yes (<0.0001)
Was frequency of medications entered correctly?Yes120 (96%)
15 (11%)
Yes (<0.0001)Yes (<0.0001)
Was the prescriber's name entered and legibleYes163 (99%)0 (0%)Yes (<0.0001)Yes (<0.0001)